Session 1, 26th January
Session 2, 30th March
Session 3, 11th May
Session 4, 13th July
Session 5, 14th September
Session 6, 9th November
i m p e r f e c t a n d r o i d
I've been thinking about the fact that if I could redesign humans, one priority would probably be to find some kind of cyborg fix for certain PTSD symptoms. One of those is that the way our bodies regulate themselves becomes conflicted when people with PTSD are triggered. Victims complain of vaginal dryness, suddenly breaking into sweats and finding themselves in tears at moments dissonant to what they were feeling.

This poem video is to represent the idea that we could help to diagnose ourselves during a trigger and help to assuage those complications if we had some kind of 'Fluid regulator' that was implanted into us cyborg style.

Selected quotes from poem:
You ask if it will always happen

The doctors say:

It is in your head.

The hand caresses the goats well.

Where is the source?

I had some technical difficulties so it is not as fluid drenched as I had originally planned.